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First INVOLVE training meeting

Great participation in the first training meeting From security decrees to the regularization of migrant workers. How the situation in Italy has changed regarding reception and integration. About 40 people took part, including local administrators and other representatives of the civil society of Rovigo, Paestum (SA) and Scicli (RG) – offices of the Local Community Hubs of the project. Everyone had the opportunity to discuss Vittorio Cogliati Dezza (Legambiente Onlus), Giancarlo Schiavone (ASGI vice-president), Maria Silvia Olivieri (SPRAR / SIPROIMI Central Service) and Jean-René Bilongo (Dept. Migration and Inclusion Policies of the FLAI – CGIL and coordinator of the Placido Rizzotto Observatory) on the main current affairs in our Country regarding reception and integration.

Thus ended the first successful day of INVOLVE training, an appointment renewed on 9 July.