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The impact of INVOLVE in France

Despite the pandemic, in 2020 our French hub of Solidarités Jeunesses managed to carry on the labor camps and organized 85 voluntary actions in France, respecting the health measures indicated by the government.

Even though the number of international volunteers was significantly lower than usual, SJ maintained the ambition to make the projects accessible to all and thanks to INVOLVE there was the opportunity to open more places for migrants, refugees and non-children. accompanied from countries such as Gambia, Haiti, Mali, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Eritrea and Afghanistan.

Creating a safe space where everyone is welcome to build peace and dialogue: this is the goal achieved and maintained even in 2020 in the midst of the pandemic.

To find out more about the impact of INVOLVE in France, here is the description on p. 63 of the Annual Report of Solidarités Jeunesses:

At this link the entire report: