The V Municipality of Rome restarts from the acceptance and inclusion of social fragility
The INVOLVE replicability seminar, “Migrants in Rome, let’s start again from the map of critical issues”, was the perfect opportunity to tell – in the setting of the Quarticciolo Library Theater – the inclusion strategies we are carrying out in our pilot locations. Last Saturday was a meeting which, thanks to the contribution of the important experiences of ASCS-Casa Scalabrini 634 and Nonna Roma, represented a fruitful opportunity for discussion with municipal and municipal administrators, with the world of school, with the trade union and with local associations, on the most important criticalities and peculiarities of the Roman territory.
As evidenced by the experience of INVOLVE, in fact, in order to reduce inequalities and improve the integration of the most vulnerable, the participation, collaboration and networking of the most important local players is necessary. In Rome, starting from one of the most significant suburbs of the city, we sowed the seeds to build together a new generative path to make local communities more inclusive and cohesive.