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About the Final Conference of the INVOLVE

The Final Conference of the INVOLVE project was held on 21 September in France with the participation in the presence of the entire project partnership. The international event, in fact, was hosted by one of INVOLVE’s seven local European hubs, that of Veynes.

The event was attended by over 30 people from all over the world, project partners and members of the Veynes community. Among them also participated Stephanie Soliva, director of the temporary reception center of France Terre d’Asile, Bruno Faure, former president of the inter-municipal trade union with a single vocation (SIVU), Robert Vargoz, president of the Abbey of Clausonnne and Joelle Noguer association , project manager of the Parc des Baronnies Provençales.

The social inclusion of third-country nationals (TCN) in EU communities, the empowerment of migrants to participate in the life of the community and the commitment of host institutions and communities to adopt models of inclusion that foster the well-being of communities were the main themes of the final conference.

The activities carried out and the main results achieved were highlighted. Additionally, attendees had the pleasure of being guided through a Local Community Hubs photo exhibition.

After a break, a round table composed of local stakeholders and facilitated by Pujiarti, responsible for the formation of the US Peace Corps Indonesia, and Cíhan Kiliç, Trainer of the Department of Youth of the Council of Europe, hosted a discussion on integration and inclusion of Third Country Citizens in local communities. The event ended with an online discussion with another European project, NEMO, co-founded by AMIF – Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, to think and share present and future synergies.